scalable biological intelligence

The problem

Despite rapid AI advancements, current models lack human-like agency, intuition, and adaptability. Training costs are skyrocketing, with projections suggesting they could surpass the US GDP by 2036 and consume over 15% of energy by 2030.

Biology is the solution

Biological intelligence is inherently agenic, adaptable, and energy efficient. Cerebral organoids, lab-grown mini-brains, offer a scalable, cost-effective foundation for AI computation. Growing mature organoids is over 1000x cheaper per synapse than training AI parameters and requires minimal energy, enabling rapid scaling without massive hardware or infrastructure.

Organic Intelligence

  • Cost

    Breakthrough intelligence at a fraction of the cost of generative AI training

  • Scale

    Easily and quickly scale up to and beyond human level compute.

  • Advanced Capabilities

    Harness the inherent properties of biology based intelligence